Nevada Dumps 25-Foot “Moat” Rule for Shows, It’s a Big Deal
State officials have nixed a ridiculous rule that required a 25-foot “moat” between performers and audience members at Las Vegas shows.
The rule meant dozens of shows couldn’t break even, especially coupled with extreme capacity rules.
Reversal of this rule opens the floodgates for Las Vegas shows to return.

In other fairly common sense changes, the minimum distance between masked performers has been reduced to six feet. If performers are unmasked, they must be at least 12 feet apart.
These changes are effective immediately, or as it’s known in entertainment circles, “a substantial number of months later than they should’ve been in effect.”
A majority of Las Vegas shows have been closed for a year, a painful irony given Las Vegas is often touted as being the “Entertainment Capital of the World.”
Even prior to the latest rule changes, several shows returned to the stage, with more planned, but removal of the 25-foot rule should spark a new wave of reopenings.
And if you’ve ever tried to spark a wave, you know how difficult that can be.
A year of downtime has been tough for performers, producers, technicians and myriad others involved with Las Vegas shows. It’ll be great to see them doing their thing again, and we may even hold off on writing bad reviews for awhile just to give them a minute to regain their footing.
Emphasis on “might.” Looking at you, Gordie Brown.
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